For help with this group please contact the group administrators.
You're no longer subscribed to the email list.
If you'd like to re-subscribe click below.
Message Flow
Member Access
Admin only when Incognito mode is enabled
Note: Members can view the message archive by following their personal link in the footer of every message sent via the group.
Admin only when Incognito mode is enabled
Note: Members can view the member list by following their personal link in the footer of every message sent via the group.
Send people to the link below to join your group
Alternatively, to host your own signup form click here.
Delivery Settings
If someone is having difficulty receiving messages, try sending them a delivery kit which explains how to pre-approve your group address from various email clients.
Their name will appear below once they've accepted the invite.
Export Messages
Export your entire message archive as an .mbox file. Once downloaded, we suggest you delete the export from the list below since the archive file is accessible to anyone with the url.
Date | Status | Messages | File Location |

Delete Group
This will delete the entire group and all data associated with it.
Delete Group
You are about to delete all data associated with this group.
Are you sure?
Signup Form
Add the following HTML to your website to allow people to join the group.
If you hit any problems please let us know.
Disable Message Archive
Disabling the message archive will:
- Delete all messages from the existing archive
- Disable the message moderation option for the group
- Disable the daily digest option for all group members
Only proceed if you're happy with these changes.
Keep track of what's going on with your group by getting notified when things happen. Receive notifications immediately, and/or in a scheduled digest email. Learn more


🎉 Congratulations! 🎉
Your donation balance is enough to move to a paid plan.
Donate Now
Support your group and get access to more features.
Cancel your donation at any time and get an instant refund if you change your mind.
Be the first to donate!
Support your group and get access to more features.
Cancel your donation at any time and get an instant refund if you change your mind.
Paid Plan Setup
Once you've opted for a paid plan, an invoice will be generated every month and paid using donations. There is no commitment and you can cancel at any time.
We need to collect your location information for sales tax purposes.
Existing Subscriptions
Would you like to extend an existing subscription?
Pay By Invoice
An invoice will be sent within one hour of the subscription starting and is due in 7 days. Subsequent invoices will be sent for each billing cycle.
Switch to the Free Plan
The free plan has the following limitations:
- Maximum 1,000 members
- Gaggle Mail branding included in footer of messages
- Message history limited to 1 month
- No custom member fields
- No custom footer
- No custom welcome message
- No custom member invite message
- No custom domain
- No AI features
Or start a subscription from just $0.10 per member per month.

Choose a payment method from the list below:
Danger Area
This will delete your entire profile and any groups which you are the sole administrator of.
Delete Profile
You are about to delete this profile and all data associated with it.
Are you sure?
WARNING: Any groups which you are the sole administrator of will be deleted and lost forever.

Use Organizations to group together groups which are part of the same organization.
Groups within the same Organization can have their members managed centrally, use subgroups and can be billed together.
Organization Name
Include Groups in Organization
Here are all the groups for which you are a member.
No Memberships
You are not a member of any groups.

Start a subscription from just $2.50 per month to access all features.
- Unlimited members (FREE plan max. 20)
- Unlimited messages
- Multi-group support
- Customisable footer
- Customisable welcome message
- Use your own domain
Your group is ready — here's some next steps