Welcome to the mailing list of the Nordic Network for Postgrowth Research! Our network is a collaboration platform for people interested in postgrowth- and degrowth-related research, with focus on the Nordic countries.

No account is needed for simple subscription to the list. Note that by subscribing to the list, you explicitly consent to make your email address visible for other members (an account is needed to access the directory).

When using the list, always consider whether your message is of potential relevance for all members.

Mention any attachment to your message, as they can only be accessed online (account needed) in the "daily digest" mode.

Language and positions that are racist, homophobic, sexist, disablist, discriminating or offensive in any way are not tolerated. The coordination group can exclude anyone who does not respect this.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question: postgrowth.nordics@gmail.com

Enter your details to join the postgrowth.nordics@gaggle.email email list.

You can unsubscribe at any time.